Hyperreactio luteinalis: clinicopathological presentation of two cases


  • Julia Pellegri
  • Sandra Isabel Sarancone
  • Ana Lía Nocito


hiperreactio luteinalis, pregnancy, ovarian stimulation, mole


Hyperreactio luteinalis is a rare condition characterized by a bilateral cystic ovarian enlargement due to the presence of multiple theca lutein cyst. It is usually associated with hydatidiform mole or chorioncarcinoma, although cases related to the administration of ovulation inducers as clomiphene citrate and pituitary gonadotropins have also been described. They have also been described in association with hydrops fetalis, Rh incompatibility and multiples pregnancies. Finally there are isolated well documented publications of pregnant patiens without trophoblastic disease or ovarian stimulation.
This entity often causes massive bilateral ovarian enlargement with the presence of multiple cyst with a size that varies between 8 to 26 cm.
Two cases of HL are presented, one of them associated with a hydatidiform mole and the other with an uncomplicated tubal pregnancy. It is important to recognize this entity in order to avoid necessary oophorectomies, taking into account that postpartum involution or abortion is the usual evolution.


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Author Biographies

Julia Pellegri


Sandra Isabel Sarancone

Médica patóloga. Jefa del Servicio de Patología, Laboratorio Quantum. Clínica de Diagnóstico por
Imágenes. Rosario.

Ana Lía Nocito

Médica patóloga. Ex Prof titular Cátedra de Anatomía y Fisiología Patológicas. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Rosario. Responsable del Grupo de Estudio del Ovario. GEO.



How to Cite

Pellegri, J., Sarancone, S. I. and Nocito, A. L. (2024) “Hyperreactio luteinalis: clinicopathological presentation of two cases”, Revista Médica de Rosario, 90(1), pp. 49-52. Available at: http://revistamedicaderosario.org/index.php/rm/article/view/248 (Accessed: 23July2024).


