
cyclosporine, gabapentine and buflomedil, therapeutic alternatives for a disease with few options


  • Mariano García Hospital San Antonio. Gualeguay; Entre Ríos; Argentina
  • Pedro Kablan


erythromelalgia, cyclosporine, treatment, buflomedil, gabapentin


OPTIONSAbstractErythromelalgia is a rare disease characterized by redness, increased skin temperature and inferior limb pain, which is generally relieved by submersion of them in freezing water. Its pathophysiology and treatment are mostly unknown and its therapeutic options are few. We report here the case of a 19 year-old male, whose symptoms of erythromelalgia started at 11 years old. Due to the intensity of the symptoms, the patient had been bedridden for two years with permanent limb immersion in cold water. The patient has a family history of erythromelalgia (father and grandfather), being this a case of primary hereditary erythromelalgia. At the time of our evaluation, he had been in that situation for two years, and severely malnourished (SGA - C), presenting ulcers with mycotic infection due to permanent immersion. Treatment with cyclosporine was started, taken from another clinical case report.1 The patient showed noticeable improvement with this treatment, but it couldn’t be continued due to repeated serious respiratory infections. For this reason, we switched to a treatment with buflomedil and gabapentin, with which the patient had a good symptoms control and was able to live a nearly normal life for 9 years now. As a current problem, the patient presents bilateral avascular bone necrosis. We consider that cyclosporine (in patients that have no other immunosuppressive factors), as well as buflomedil and gabapentine are therapeutic options for a rare pathology with little evidence and few treatment options.Keywords: erythromelalgia, cyclosporine, treatment, buflomedil, gabapentin.


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Author Biographies

Mariano García, Hospital San Antonio. Gualeguay; Entre Ríos; Argentina

Médico Especialista en Clínica Médica. Especialista en Endocrinología. Ex docente de la UniversidadNacional de Rosario. Ex Jefe de Residentes – Hospital Provincial del Centenario (Rosario – Santa Fe –Argentina). Miembro del Comité de Docencia e Investigación del Hospital San Antonio de Gualeguay.Miembro del Servicio de Clínica Médica del Hospital San Antonio de Gualeguay. Director Médico delCentro Médico El Portal Salud (Gualeguay – Entre Ríos).

Pedro Kablan

Médico Especialista en Cardiología. Ex Residente del Hospital Interzonal de Agudos José de SanMartín; La Plata – Buenos Aires – Argentina. Médico de Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del HospitalSan Antonio de Gualeguay. Médico del Servicio de Cardiología del Hospital San Antonio de Gualeguay.Médico colaborador del Comité de Docencia e Investigación del Hospital San Antonio de Gualeguay.Médico del Centro Médico El Portal Salud (Gualeguay – Entre Ríos).


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How to Cite

García, M. and Kablan, P. . (2020) “Erythromelalgia: : cyclosporine, gabapentine and buflomedil, therapeutic alternatives for a disease with few options”, Revista Médica de Rosario, 86(1), pp. 24-28. Available at: (Accessed: 20September2024).



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